goo whimsy silly wompus scrumby fucking bingus

hello everybody its me markiplier! and by everybody i mean absolutely no one because how the fuck did u find me. sorry i got sidetracked, and by "me markiplier" i mean me, MARS. not markiplier. sorry for the false advertising friend. and by friend i mean everybody which means no one which means- yea ok the bit wasnt funny in the first place so sorry for dragging it out. you can just take me to a field and shoot me in the back of the head while i ponder at the sunset innocently, unknowing that youve got a glock 34 strapped to my cranium, putting me out of my (HOLY SHIT I JUST POPPED A KEY OFF MY KEYBOARD NOO... ok caps lock key has returned to its designated switch) ANYWAYS. putting me out of my misery of tangents and ludicrous rambles. you get the point. actually i lied i dont even know what the point was. BASICALLY i am mars and i have a tendency to ramble. welcome to my page asshole.

"meowm oewm eowMEOWMEW "

holy shit was that a cat? who let a cat in here?


    dumb fucking list
  • gay
  • shit
  • fart
  • banana
thanks for listening